Sunday, April 1, 2007

Dennis Kucinich Honored by Orange County Leaders

On March 24, 2007, Orange County leaders came together to honor Congressman Dennis Kucinich, the recipient of this year's Congressman of the Year Award. Present were regional directors for the California Democratic Party, Congressional candidates, Democratic Club leaders, Leaders of the various liberal and civil rights groups, veterans, military families, musical performers and the news media.

After impressive testimonials from Democratic and labor leaders, military families, musicians and youth activists, Dennis Kucinich took the stage. Speaking with courage and determination, he presented his plans to withdraw from Iraq, prevent war with Iran, bring back jobs, bring universal health care for all to Americans and restore the integrity of the United States. He spoke passionately about the need to put impeachment back on the table. He received multiple standing ovations and seems to overwhelm the audience and reporters with his honesty and courage. Although he was limited in time, he stayed as long as the questions kept coming. His frankness in responding to questions drew strong support from the audience.

The crowd was charmed by Elizabether Kucinich. Two or three of those present compared her humanitarian style to that of Eleanor Roosevelt.

Following the event, people lined up to offer to donate and volunteer to get Kucinich elected.
A couple of attendees stated they had been planning to back Edwards until they saw Kucinich. Now Kucinich has their vote. Kucinich is on the rise and Orange County residents are eager to see him return.

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