Thursday, February 15, 2007

Time For Liberals To Take Back OC

A conservative trend has taken over the Democratic Party in Orange County. Democrats no longer trust their party and more and more are reregistering as independents. It is time for the major political parties to start backing the people and not the pocket books of a select few officials at the expense of candidates and constituents. Join this blog and stand up for the voters. Let's make OC really blue.


Anonymous said...

Go for it.

If you can clean up the Democratic Party of Orange County, the grass roots Democrats will be very grateful.

Democrats have watched special interests, cliques, and money gain more power than the people in the DPOC. Those who run the DPOC are without any class. They care more about their perception of an elevated social class from being on a committee that does nothing than they do about real issues that are important to real people.

Anonymous said...

Great blog.

It's time there was a liberal blog in OC.